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Bottomland Forests of the Louisiana Plains

ACR 848






Mississippi Delta


IFM 2.0​


American Carbon Registry​

Protectors of the Plains

The Bottomland Forest of the Louisiana Plains project aggregates forestlands across northeastern Louisiana with a commitment to sustainable forest management and provides significant climate benefits through carbon sequestration from native forests.

Bottomland hardwood forests are forested, alluvial wetlands occupying broad floodplain areas that flank large river systems. These forests are found throughout Louisiana in all parishes but are the predominant natural community type of the Mississippi River Alluvial Plain.

They are extremely productive areas due in part to periodic flood-transported and deposited particulate and dissolved organic matter and nutrients. In general, forested floodplain habitats are mixtures of broadleaf deciduous, needleleaf deciduous, and evergreen trees and shrubs.

Bottomland hardwoods serve a critical role in the watershed by reducing the risk and severity of flooding to downstream communities by providing areas to store floodwater. In addition, these wetlands improve water quality by filtering and flushing nutrients, processing organic wastes, and reducing sediment before it reaches open water.

“The timberland that I bought in 1995 is in Tensas Parish on the dry side of the levee across from Davis Island.  It was, and is, a dream come true for me and my family.  You just can’t find a better way to bond with one another than “at the camp” away from the fast lane.  Over the years, I had to harvest more timber than I would have liked, but notes had to be paid, and that was the only source of income at that time.  The NativState forest carbon program gives me another source of income without having to cut timber.”

Mark Brown

Louisiana Landowner

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