U.S. Based Carbon Projects

NativState produces and delivers high-integrity, US nature-based carbon credits for organizations seeking to offset their carbon emissions. We partner with small landowners across our home region to implement IFM practices and generate high-integrity carbon credits. 

100% of our credits are verified through the ACR IFM 2.0 methodology.

Partnering with landowners across the southern United States

We are proud to be implementing Improved Forest Management (IFM) practices and generating high-integrity carbon credits right here in our home region. Read more about our projects below. We are consistently adding new projects to the ACR registry, so please revisit this page for the most updated information.

For landowners, partnering with NativState means:

Conserving their forest lands for future generations

Generating new sources of income from carbon credits

Working with a professional forester to manage their land

Improved forest management and registration with the American Tree Farm System (ATFS)

Enjoying their land’s recreational value

Growing their land’s biodiversity

Increasing the value of their land

Submit Your Info and get access to our Buyers Guide

Leave your information below to discuss this project with our team and download our Buyers Guide to Nature-Based Carbon Credits.