Brian Maddox holds a Bachelor’s degree in Forestry from the University of Arkansas-Monticello. He has spent 12 years as a Forester working for the States of Arkansas and Missouri, eventually starting a Forestry Consulting Forestry business, and learning about NativState during that time. Joining the Forestry Team at NativState means diving into the forest carbon credit development and verification process, requiring all NativState Foresters to be on top of their professional game! Brian enjoys fully utilizing his diverse experiences to benefit landowners in multiple states as a part of NativState. Still, perhaps the greatest appeal is knowing that landowners now have another option to enjoy their properties’ natural resources!
Originally from DeSoto, Missouri, Brian resides in Park Hills, Missouri with his wife and three daughters. He enjoys fishing, mushroom hunting, history, rock and mineral collecting, and is aspiring to be an amateur prospector!