Landowner IFM FAQ

Landowner IFM

Frequently Asked Questions

Forest Carbon Development and Your Land

What is carbon sequestration?

Carbon sequestration is the process of capturing and storing atmospheric carbon dioxide. For example, forests sequester carbon when trees take carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere. 


Taking into account variables such as tree species and topography, as well as your vision for your land, NativState works on your behalf to quantify, validate, and verify the amount of carbon sequestered in your forestland. Based on that information, we develop carbon credits, also referred to as carbon offsets.

What is forest carbon?

As trees grow, they absorb and store carbon dioxide from the air.  All trees can sequester carbon, and each landowner’s forest has unique characteristics that influence the potential amount of forest carbon it contains or will produce. 


NativState uses science-based standards to measure forest carbon and determine approximately how many carbon credits can be developed per acre on your land. We use this information to assess your land’s potential for generating revenue from carbon credits over the term of the carbon agreement.

What is a carbon credit?
  • A measurable unit of greenhouse gas (GHG) emission that can be traded to help meet climate goals. 
  • Certified by independent certification bodies such as the ACR.
  • One carbon credit represents an emission reduction of one metric ton of CO2
  • Carbon credits are also called carbon offsets, emission removals, or offset credits.
What is the voluntary carbon market?

The carbon credits NativState develops are part of the Voluntary Carbon Market (VCM). The VCM is a decentralized market enabling companies to buy and sell carbon credits. Companies can purchase carbon credits through VCM to offset their carbon emissions to help meet their achieve net-zero climate goals.

The capital required and verification processes necessary to participate in the VCM have historically posed roadblocks to small landowners. NativState’s approach provides a way past these obstacles and offers you a way to enter the market and conserve your forests.

What role do carbon registries play in the carbon markets?
  • Carbon registries measure, report, and verify carbon credits. 
  • The registry makes sure that projects meet science-based standards and follow approved carbon accounting methodologies.
  • They ensure accuracy, precision and rigor in the measurement, monitoring and verification of emission reductions.
  • They issue carbon credits and record ownership.

Forest Management Plan and Improved Forest Management

What is Improved Forest Management and Why is it Important?
  • NativState uses ACR’s Improved Forest Management (IFM) methodology (currently version 2.1) as our guidance for developing, verifying and marketing forest carbon credits associated with land you enroll in our program.
  • The specific IFM elements vary depending on how much carbon your land currently sequesters, your current land use and future land use goals, and considers the unique qualities of your property. The essential aspect of IFM is that the conservation activities increase carbon stocks, so they are greater in your forest than if you continued to operate “business as usual.” 
  • Once you have enrolled with NativState, our Forestry professionals work with you to build a Forest Management Plan (FMP) to optimize carbon sequestration on your land, yielding the most carbon credits, and resulting in a healthy, income-producing forest.
  • Your Forest Management Plan will include specific forest conservation activities that increase the amount of carbon stored in your forest. 
  • Your implementation of IFM practices strengthens ecosystem benefits such as clean air, clean water and species diversification all while maximizing carbon revenue.
What are the benefits to landowners?

When you partner with NativState you receive forestry expertise at no cost to you.


  • Forest Management Plan — This blueprint for your forest’s health helps you fulfill your vision for your land, whether that is creating wildlife habitat, recreational opportunities, timber sales, etc. NativState’s team of professional foresters work with you to create a plan that is unique to your forest and your vision.
  • Sustainable Forest Certification — NativState will enroll your property in a sustainable forest certification program such as the American Tree Farm System (ATFS), Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), or Sustainable Forest Initiative (SFI). The sustainable forest certification program provides resources to help you with long-term management goals. 
What is NativState’s role once a landowner enrolls?

In addition to creating a personalized Forest Management Plan, NativState offers a turnkey process. 


  • Our forest carbon credit development process includes a forest carbon and timber inventory of your property, considering your long-term goals for your land
  • We coordinate with external verifiers to ensure carbon offset credits qualify for enrollment with the American Carbon Registry (ACR) or another accredited registry. 
  • We manage the annual maintenance and monitoring of the project to ensure trees are healthy and carbon is being sequestered according to plan.
Does the landowner have ongoing responsibilities?

After the FMP is verified for your project, it is vital to demonstrate that the plan is being implemented as agreed. Our foresters will continue to work with you to keep your forest management plan up to date. 

You should:

  • Notify NativState of any changes to the property such as damage from natural disasters or pests, prior to timber harvest 
  • Notify us of any changes in ownership of the property. 
  • Implement the forest conservation actions agreed to in your plan. 

Every Plan is Unique

No two Forest Management Plans are alike. Our team will discuss with you the specific variables of forest carbon credit development plans and how they influence your Forest Management Plan and IFM practices.

Work with NativState


See if your acres qualify for carbon credit development.

Carbon Credit Buyers

Learn more about our current carbon projects.