Voices of Forestry Podcast Featuring Tim White, NativState’s Vice President of Forestry

Tim White, Vice President of Forestry at NativState, recently joined Seth Stephenson on the Arkansas Forestry Association’s Voices of Forestry Podcast. Tim and Seth discussed the evolution of the Forest Carbon Market, and how NativState engages with its rapidly changing needs and expectations. Give it a listen below.

Tim has worked in Forestry for the last 35+ years. Since joining the NativState team in 2021, he has seen the fast-paced evolution of the Forest Carbon Market firsthand. Since 2021, the demand for high-quality forest carbon credits in the Voluntary Carbon Market has grown exponentially.

Click here to learn more about how NativState’s team of dedicated scientists, engineers, foresters, and land managers are participating in the evolution of the Forest Carbon Market, and how you can participate too.

You can listen to other episodes of the Voices of Forestry Podcast with Seth Stepheonson here. 

To learn more about Tim White and his work, visit https://nativstate.com/team-member/tim-white/

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