What is an Improved Forest Management (IFM) plan?
The Improved Forest Management plan will provide guidelines relating to the sustainable management of your forest. The plan will assist the landowners in managing their forests and will demonstrate to the carbon registry that specific goals outlined in the plan are being achieved. The IFM plan is an important aspect of generating marketable carbon offsets. NativState will be happy to provide you with an example of an IFM plan based on your forest type after we have had a chance to review your property.
How does the landowner contribute to the Improved Forest Management plan?
NativState will perform a forest carbon and timber inventory of the property and design an Improved Forest Management plan around the landowner’s long-term goals for their forest. The plan is designed with flexibility in mind but remains committed to sustainable forest management.
What is NativState’s role in the development of the Improved Forest Management plan?
NativState will enroll the landowner’s property in a sustainable forest certification program such as the American Tree Farm System (ATFS), Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), or Sustainable Forest Initiative (SFI). The sustainable forest certification program may provide the landowner with concepts, practices and ideas that will aid and assist landowners in their long-term management goals.
NativState will determine a program management plan and work with verifiers to ensure carbon offset credits qualify for enrollment with the American Carbon Registry or another accredited registry. NativState manages the annual maintenance and monitoring of the project to ensure trees are healthy and carbon is being sequestered according to plan.
Does the landowner have options regarding forest management under the Improved Forest Management plan?
Yes, NativState has two different plans for the landowner to choose based on their long-term goals of their forest.
The first option is the Selective Cut Plan that allows for some commercial harvest. This plan allows landowners to maximize the timber value and carbon revenue potential. All income from timber harvest belongs to the landowner.
The Deferred Harvest Plan allows for some cutting such as firewood, clearing for food plots and other forestry best management practices; however, this option does not allow for commercial harvest. This plan will generate more carbon credits than the Selective Cut Plan.
Does the landowner have ongoing responsibilities under the Improved Forest Management plan?
Yes, the landowner is required to work with NativState foresters to keep their forest management plan up to date. The landowner should notify NativState of any changes to the property such as damage from natural disasters or pests, prior to timber harvest or changes in ownership of the property. The Improved Forest Management plan will need to be reviewed every five (5) years. NativState will work with the landowner to update the Improved Forest Management plan.
What is the impact of the landowner’s implementation of the Improved Forest Mangement plan?
The landowner’s implementation of their Improved Forest Management plan will further develop and improve ecosystem benefits such as clean air, clean water and species diversification all while maximizing carbon revenue. In addition to creating a new revenue stream for the landowner, they will be part of a community that enhances the forests while creating improved wildlife habitat and conserving precious natural resources for future generations. The aggregation of multiple landowners participating in NativState’s forest carbon program will amplify the benefits exponentially over time.