Companies worldwide realize the importance of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and are working hard to decrease their carbon footprint through improved operations and systems. However, these current efforts alone are not enough to turn the tide. Sound, high-quality carbon compensation and contribution strategies play a critical role, helping companies decarbonize faster and more efficiently.
Nature-based carbon credits are not the only solution necessary to achieve net zero commitments, but they are an important tool that helps build the bridge while scalable removal efforts are implemented. The reduction and removal credits NativState develops are critical to a comprehensive approach to sustainability.
We wrote the NativState Buyers Guide to Carbon Credits to help you better understand what goes into our carbon credits and how they can complement your strategies.
Download Our Buyers Guide To high-Quality Carbon Credits
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This Buyers Guide covers topics including:
An Evolving Market
New safeguards put in place to validate additionality and prove the value of credits are driving the carbon project development industry’s flight to quality and bolstering the confidence and investment of carbon credit buyers. The Buyers Guide examines —
- The launch of investment platforms and middle market companies building high-quality portfolios of credits to help corporations mitigate risk.
- The market’s potential to realize investment beyond end users seeking to offset their carbon emissions.
The NativState Process
- NativState’s small landowner aggregation business model brings landowners with as few as 50 acres into the Voluntary Carbon Market (VCM) through improved forest management programs.
- “Boots on the ground” relationships with small landowners result in robust co-benefits and projects that deliver environmental, economic, and community results.
- Our primary territory is in rural areas prone to aggressive timber harvests and in close proximity to mills.
- Our projects benefit local communities.
- Our 40-year commitment to every project assures durability.
See how we determine and guarantee additionality
What does “business-as-usual” in the rural southern U.S. look like? Often, it’s aggressive timber harvest and land conversion to pine plantations and agricultural uses. Our Buyers Guide visually presents our projects’ proximity to mills and offers a glimpse of the history of timber harvests on select projects.

In our carbon design, inventory, and modeling efforts, we perform a thorough analysis, showing our landowner partners the difference forty-year Carbon Agreements make as an attractive alternative to these scenarios.
The Buyers Guide dives deeper into how we determine and verify additionality on our projects in the rural South.
See how our projects benefit soil and water quality
Forest conservation reduces disturbance to the soil, which protects living root systems, maximizes soil cover, and increases biodiversity. Soil and water quality go hand in hand. The Mississippi River Watershed is directly impacted by most of our carbon credit projects and the Buyers Guide illustrates just how significant the lands in our Improved Forest Management projects are to the watershed, to wildlife habitat, flood mitigation, and ultimately to the Gulf of Mexico.
See for yourself the relationship between the forest buffers in our projects and the larger water systems and communities.

Explore the value to our landowner partners beyond carbon
Each property is unique. Our foresters’ relationships with landowners are essential to determining their vision for their land and its future legacy. The Buyers Guide brings to life the variety of co-benefits established, including:
- Biodiversity
- Forestry expertise
- Land legacy
Invest with us
As the VCM evolves, we’ve developed multiple ways to help corporate buyers invest in high-quality U.S. nature-based carbon credits.
- Buy directly from NativState in a long-term offtake agreement.
- Buy though a trusted marketplace in a portfolio of high-quality credits.
- Invest directly in a new project by having NativState aggregate acres exclusively for you.
Put your feet on the ground in our projects
Dive into our current projects and hear our landowner partners share what makes their land unique and meaningful. These spotlights put the rest – additionality, co-benefits, water quality, how we work and what makes us stand apart – into perspective. It may not be a real-time visit, but that can be arranged!
Download the Buyers Guide to Carbon Credits by completing the form below and see if NativState’s roadmap can be part of your climate response strategy. That’s the first step. You’ll have more questions and that’s where curiosity takes root. We look forward to those conversations.
Download Our Buyers Guide To high-Quality Carbon Credits
Complete this form to download our Buyers Guide to Nature-Based Carbon Credits.