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S & J Taylor Forest Project

ACR 783






South Central Arkansas


IFM 2.0​


American Carbon Registry​

A Lush, Vibrant Habitat

The S&J Taylor Forest Carbon Project balances conservation of both Saline River bottoms riparian hardwoods and “working” pines in the heart of timber country. Diverse oak, gum, cypress, hickory, and pine forests located in south central Arkansas within the Gulf Coastal Plain ecoregion represent important habitat and provide essential buffers that abate sedimentation and nutrient runoff between development and waterways. 

By committing to maintain forest CO2e stocks through certified sustainable management, the project will provide significant climate benefits through carbon sequestration and important co-benefits to the Ouachita watershed, local communities, and improved water resources to downstream neighbors throughout the Gulf Coast Region.

In the S&J Taylor Forest Carbon Project, large tracts of riparian bottomland hardwoods surround the pristine waters of the Upper Saline River and are essential buffers from runoff to the river and to the habitat of the endemic freshwater Arkansas fatmucket mussels, a threatened indicator species.

Additionality in ACR 783

Conserving working forests in the heart of timber country requires real commitment from the S&J Taylor family as project proponents. The hardwoods and pine stands in this part of the country have lucrative timber value, by foregoing a widespread aggressive harvest, typical to these parts of the country, S&J Taylor is looking to generate long-term revenues through sustainable forest management and the voluntary carbon market.


The S&J Taylor Forest Carbon Improved Forest Management (IFM) project is in the counties of Cleveland, Grant, Jefferson, and Saline located in south-central Arkansas. Throughout the geographic region, this type of land is aggressively cut, and is typically managed to maximize forestland investment by cutting trees as soon as they have grown to commercial maturity.


If the S&J Taylor Forest Carbon project was not implemented, the forest management would continue to resemble that of private industrial forestland ownership in the region. Instead, the enrolled S&J Taylor family forests will generate carbon revenues, allowing the Taylor family to harvest more sustainably, leading to fewer disturbances on the landscape, increasing biodiversity of the forest, and improving habitat protection for species of concern.

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