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Bottomland Forests of the Mississippi Delta and Piedmont

ACR 913






Eastern & South Central AR


IFM 2.0​


American Carbon Registry​

The Worthwhile Wetlands

The NativState Bottomland Forests of the Mississippi Delta and Piedmont carbon project takes a programmatic development approach (PDA) to Improved Forest Management. Landowners are able to join forces with others committed to maintaining forest CO2e stocks through sustainable management. This aggregate then contributes to climate conservation efforts through carbon sequestration of native forests. 



This particular project focuses on the deciduous forested wetlands of the Mississippi Delta and Piedmont. The Bottomland Hardwoods in this area serve a critical role in the watershed by reducing the risk and severity of flooding to downstream communities. These river swamp wetlands also improve water quality by filtering and flushing nutrients, processing organic wastes, and reducing sediment before it reaches open water.



While bottomland forests once covered significant portions of the Southeastern United states, today, only about forty percent of the region still supports these unique ecosystems, making NativState’s conservation efforts here invaluable. 

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