NativState Continues to See Progress in the Voluntary Carbon Market (VCM)

NativState Chief Operating Officer Ed Horton and Chief Commercial Officer Alex Claypool recently joined other thought leaders and stakeholders within the Voluntary Carbon Market (VCM) at Carbon Forward North America’s event in Toronto, and GreenFin 24 in New York City. These events brought together world-leading environmental market experts, government representatives, investors, analysts, brokers and carbon credit buyers.

“It was inspiring to witness where this dynamic market is going…”

 A significant takeaway from both events was how the carbon offset market is gaining momentum as part of a comprehensive sustainability strategy.  

“It was inspiring to witness where this dynamic market is going, gain insight into what’s driving it, and hear from potential credit buyers and partners,” said Horton.  “We met buyers of many types who are extremely interested in high-quality forest-based carbon credits.

“The risks previously seen in the Voluntary Carbon Market are being directly addressed by players across the board…”

The risks previously seen in the Voluntary Carbon Market are being directly addressed by players across the board, driving a high level of quality and assurance for investors. As a result, the due diligence applied to purchases is extensive and welcome as it ensures quality.

“The growing level of support for the Voluntary Carbon Market (VCM), from government support and higher standards to seeing more partners enter the market, demonstrate that this push towards quality is essential to the market’s future vitality,” Claypool observed. “I think moving forward we can anticipate continued progress and many new buyers to enter the market looking for truly additional, high-quality offsets to meet their commitments.”

A Forward-Thinking Mindset of Forest Carbon Offsets

The speakers, sessions, and conversations in Toronto and New York underscore the forward-looking mindset driving all aspects of the VCM.

“It was also great seeing fantastic partners like Greenstar Royalties on stage discussing their investments in forest carbon (and we appreciate the shout out!),” concluded Horton. “I think we all left these events excited that the VCM’s tailwinds from the first half of the year are drawing attention.”

Take the first step towards making a significant impact.

Whether you are a landowner or carbon credit buyer, your involvement in certified climate projects is paving the way for a brighter and more sustainable future for all.


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