Mixed Broadleaf Forests of the Ozark Highlands

ACR 912


Acres Conserved



Pending Verification


Arkansas Ozark Highlands


IFM 2.0​


American Carbon Registry​

Natural Diversity at its Finest

The NativState Mixed Broadleaf Forests of the Ozark Highlands is a programmatic development approach (PDA) to aggregated Improved Forest Management.  This method allows landowners with smaller tracts of land to combine under one project.  With a shared focus on maintaining forest CO2e stocks through sustainable management, the project will provide significant climate benefits through carbon sequestration from native forests. 

The Ozark Highlands is divided into 11 Level IV ecoregions, reflecting the diverse geology, topography, and vegetation. Across the region features range from spring-fed streams to caves, limestone glades to prairies. In some areas, farming and logging have greatly reduced the forests and woodlands, which boast a variety of natural trees and wildlife.

Today, much of the land in this area is primarily used for logging, livestock farming, woodland grazing, recreation, quarrying, and housing. Currently only about 4% of the Ozark Highlights Mixed Forests ecoregion is protected.

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